It’s Just Logic - You Should Definitely Be Dating a Black Man with a Beard

It’s Just Logic - You Should Definitely Be Dating a Black Man with a Beard

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The beard has made a major comeback and is here to stay. Men around the world, approximately 55% of them, have some facial hair to complement their features. If you’ve been eyeing that colleague down the hall or double tapping that guy with the great beard pics, we’re here to tell you that now, more than ever, is the perfect time to open your heart to a black man with a beard. Here’s why:

He is patient.

Seriously, it takes a lot to grow a healthy beard? Great beards don’t just happen, especially not overnight. Black men with healthy beards have waited weeks (some even years) to get their beards healthy and full. That says a lot about the amount of patience he has for things he cares dearly about.

He is understanding.

The man has a beauty routine of his own. He understands that good things will take time and will respect the hours you probably spend grooming yourself.

He is wise and respected.

Want to date a man who commands a room without even having to open his mouth? Since the beginning of time, men with beards have been looked at as scholarly and wise. Think about how smart it is to wear a style that is timeless and versatile.

He is a good lover.

Beards are versatile in the bedroom too. From a gentle tickle to an aggressive rub, beards add a little friction where necessary and offer a unique, pleasing experience to partners.

He is going to look good for a long time.

Everybody knows, “black don’t crack.” But the University of Southern Queensland has discovered something even more appealing. In a study published in the Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal, it was found that beards, “block 90 to 95 percent of UV rays, slowing the aging process and reducing skin cancer.” Your bearded black man is going to look good forever.

So, if you’ve been considering giving a bearded black man a shot, we say go for it! Need directions to the nearest single, bearded black man? Check out our Beard Gang Facebook page.

Once you two fall in love, give him the gift of maintaining his healthy beard with some of our Fresh Heritage Classic Beard Oil, trust us, you both will love it!

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