Summer is all fun and games until you feel the effects of the extreme weather, specifically the heat and humidity. Black men are not exempt from this despite the widespread belief that our skin color is more resistant to the consequences of sun exposure due to the epidermal melanin content. Sadly, this belief is common among Black men and, consequently, has led to less than ideal sun care protection practices when it comes to our pride and joy: their beards!
Good thing we're here for some easy-to-apply tips on better care of your beard under the sun.
The intense heat and humidity during this season can easily and quickly dry and damage your beard; that's why you should have a product that provides 180-degree protection and care. Our Beard Shampoo is specially formulated for Black men's beard thickness and coarseness. First is gentle cleaning without stripping your hair of needed oils. Its organic aloe juice helps moisturize and soften your beard while reducing the frizz. It doesn't stop there. Infused with peppermint and tea tree oil, it stimulates hair roots promoting beard growth. Is the summer heat making you feel sluggish? The refreshing peppermint scent will wake you up and help you feel energized!
Humidity this season is as intense as a sports debate in a barbershop. Experience less of the mess and the frizz due to this weather with our Leave-in conditioner. It will help lock in much-needed moisture but also help nourish damaged follicles (just in case you have any). Our beard-specific conditioner sets you up for healthier and softer hair growth and benefits your scalp, too, as it moisturizes and helps reduce shedding.
Getting ashy skin results from humidity; because it's summer, you should be warier. It's common to get them on your legs, arms, and face…including the one beneath your beard. The solution? Moisturize. Luckily for you, our Beard Oil can help with that problem. While mostly bought to help in beard growth, another use is it helps nourish and moisturize the skin beneath the beard as well. Just what you need in this weather.
Water can keep your beard cool inside and out. But since it will be such a hassle to keep splashing water on your beard (and keeping it off your face), drink as much as possible. If you're sticking to the widely-known 8 to 10 glasses of water recommendation, you might want to add a few more, especially if you're out all day under the blistering sun.
If drinking is on the offense of caring for your beard against heat and humidity, putting on sunscreen is your defense. Skin, exposed or underneath your beard (or any hair), must be protected. Avoid burning your skin in the sun by applying sunscreen with at least 30 SPF (regardless of skin color). Dried or burned skin can cause dandruff, so it's unhealthy and embarrassing, too, especially if you're on a date.